Blogs & race reports

The Montane Spine race 2019 – A journey started

“If we must fail, let us do so reaching beyond our grasp for a dream that is worth all our striving. Then, even in our failing, even through our tears, we have won”.  Wild trails to Far Horizons Mike Cudahy This past week, I seem to have been stumbling around in a bit of a [...]

Being intentional.

A couple of years ago, I remember watching an interview with Jim Walmsley where he said that he wanted to break the Western States record. This riled me. Here was this young, inexperienced – admittedly very quick – runner, saying something I saw as really arrogant. But, after watching him attempt it, fail, but gut […]

Kit test – Scott Supertrac RC Ultras

These are a brand new shoe from Scott and as well as looking pretty bling, they have a lot to offer anyone looking for a shoe that will go all day and not leave your feet feeling pounded at the end of it. Before getting too carried away I should say that I am sponsored [...]

To be completely up front I wasn’t really in a rush to try out the new Supertrac Ultra RC shoe, not because I didn’t like them or want to see what everyone seemed to be shouting about, but mainly because up until this point I have been so smitten with the original Supertrac RCs (I […]

The question of why..

2018 seems to have been a bit of a funny year so far. If I dig into how I feel about it then I come up with the feeling that it has been  pretty awesome in some respects but so damn tough and sad in others. Digging into any sort of quantifiable race results, it [...]

Racing to train.

You might not believe me, but I don’t see myself as a good racer. Like a lot of people, I started doing this because I enjoyed it, not because I thought I could win stuff. I’m not motivated by winning (although it is really nice!) and I often don’t enjoy the pressure that racing can […]

Return to roots

The Lakeland 100 in July last year seems like a distant memory in some regards, however the lessons learned from the build up and whole training year still sit firmly in my mind, albeit still a little uncomfortably to be honest. 8 months further on I feel like a very different runner now, and with […]

Know when to walk away, know when to run.

The day before the South Downs Way 50, some random radio station was on in the kitchen and The Gambler by Kenny Rogers came on. I remember my mum playing it when I was younger and I’ve always liked it but more for the jangliness than the sentiment. Listening to it a few days ago […]

Things are getting stressy…

To me, running is about enjoyment. Getting away from stuff that I don’t want to think about, into nature, moving forward under my own power, and being peaceful and relaxed. So why am I doing it to the extent that it’s making me really tired? Why am I finding that I want to stay in […]